9:00am — Akathist: Glory to God for All Things (Chapel)
9:30–10:45am — Lay Keynote - Richard W. Rohlin: A (Meaning) Crisis on Infinite Earths (Chapel)
10:45am: Break
11:00am–11:50am EST: Session One Chapel S. K. Ehra: Heroes of Vice: How the Anti-Hero Lost the Anti Eve Tushnet: Horror Films and the Redemption of the Victims Sanctuary Bryan J. L. Glass: HAN SHOT FIRST! How Revisionism in Star Wars Reflects Our Culture's Distortion of Grace
12:00pm: Lunch (Founders Hall)
1:30pm–2:20pm EST: Session Two Chapel Eleanor Bourg Nicholson: Doppelgängers & Divinity: The Christian Potential of Unheimlich Sanctuary Rev. Robert L. Lewis, Jr.: Embodiment of Evil and the Battle Against Diabolic Foes
2:20pm: Break
2:45pm–3:35pm EST: Session Three Sanctuary Edmund Lazzari: Righteous Demon Spawn: Redeeming a Demonic Bloodline in Merlin Mythos, Hellboy, and Teen Titans' Raven Chapel Sarah Slater: Pain Made Holy: Sacrificial Redemption in Lois McMaster Bujold's The Curse of Chalion Amy Browning-Dill: Glorious Purpose: The Role of Forgiveness and Self Sacrifice in Redemption
3:35pm: Break
4:00pm–4:50pm EST: Session Four Chapel Cynthia June Long: Will the Fairies be Redeemed? Sanctuary Erin Lazzari: Goodness at What Cost? An Investigation of Scar in Fullmetal Alchemist Fr. Brian Russell: Resistance is No Longer Necessary: Changing Attitudes towards Transhumanism in Star Trek